These sites are in the triangle areas where walking paths converge
Native seed were source from Roundstone Native Seed Company in Kentucky
If you would like more information on each of the seed mixes used in these plots please visit https://roundstoneseed.com/
32x35x40 = 535 ft2
Southern Pollinator Conservation Mix (wet) 4oz/1,000 ft2
52x42x55 = 1,030 ft2
Southern Monarch Habitat Mix 3oz/1000 ft2
44x44x50 = 905 ft2
Southern Butterfly and Hummingbird Mix 3oz/1000ft2
110x110x52 = 2,779
Southern Pollinator Conservation Mix (wet) 4oz/1,000 ft2
Southern Pollinator Conservation Mix (dry) 4 oz/1,000 ft2
© Copyright Madison County Master Gardeners