Crapemyrtle Bark Scale- CMBS
CMBS is a relativity new and invasive pest that was introduced from Asia and first identified in Dallas, TX several years ago. It has recently made its way into West TN and is an active problem in Madison County. This pest, if gone unchecked, is a great threat to the iconic Crapemyrtle, a treasured plant in southern landscapes. The following information is here as a resource to those who would like to learn more about this pest, how to identify, control, and reduce the spread to surrounding areas. Stay tuned for more additions and updates!
This Just In.....
June 2020:
Are your Crapemyrtles looking Poor This Spring? This time, its NOT CMBS to blame! Check out this article by Carol Reese, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist, for more insight and suggestions on recovery and moving forward.
February 2020:
Treatment of CMBS with systemic insecticides is best applied as the plant is actively growing. Spring is almost here, so keep a close look out for the signs that the plant is initiating growth and coming out of dormancy.
August 2019:
The beneficial hyperapsis ladybeetle has been spotted feeding on Crapemyrtle Bark Scale in our area. Please take every effort to protect these predatory insects as they are a key to nature's own control of CMBS. The adult and larva stages, both of which are predatory, look much different so be sure to check these images out and read more about the ladybeetle in thearticle from Mississippi State University Extension in the publication section below.
October 2019:
CMBS has been identified on Callicarpa dichotoma & Callicarpa americana, commonly known as Japanese & American Beauty Berry, at the UT Botanic Gardens-Jackson. The Gardens are located on the grounds of the West TN Research & Education Center off of Airways Blvd. in Jackson, TN. Identification and treatment reccomendations remain the same as those given for treatment of Crapemyrtles.

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