Spring Plant Sale 2025
Friday May 2nd & Saturday May 3rd
9am - 1 pm
West Tn Research & Education Center
605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN
Check back for additional information!
Plant Sale Volunteers
Plant Labels
We will be using stick on labels again this year. You will need to have your potting containers clean and dry before you place the label on it for them to adhere properly. Remember that your labels should already be on your containers when you drop them off for the sale.
As in the past, you may request your labels to be printed for you, or you can pick up blank labels and print them yourself using the Plant Label Templates below. We have a huge compilation of plants whose descriptions have already been researched and saved in this template format ready for you to print. If you can not find your particular plant, there is a blank template file that you can type your information into! The blank labels are available for pick up at the Extension Office or at the monthly Master Gardener association meeting.
If you need help with research or printing of labels, please contact Jane Ann Davis. She will coordinate printing and pick up.
- Simply email your plant list to Jane Ann at mgjaneanndavis@gmail.com with Plant Labels as your subject line.
- If you have questions please call or text her at 731-988-6360
- Cut off date for label requests is Wednesday April 23rd
Ideas for Plant Propagation
This list is not all inclusive, but can give some direction for those who wish to contribute plant material to the sale.
If you plan to bring 15 or more of 1 type of plant/color, please take a minute to record that information in this group document by clicking the button below. This will help us plan for space, labels, and will also be an aid for you all as you decide what plants you would like to bring. Make sure to include flower color. There are some plants that we can not have enough of. Ex: Hosta, Hellebore, Ferns, Herbs, House Plants, Vegetables
For example: If someone signs up to bring 30 white yarrow, you may decide to bring yellow yarrow or pink yarrow!
Plant Drop Off Times
Parking lot of West TN Research & Education Center 605 Airways Blvd.
Wednesday, April 30 11 am - 4 pm
Thursday, May 1st 7 am - 11 am
If these drop off hours do not work for your work schedule, please text Elizabeth Edwards at 731-267-4093 to make alternate arrangements.
When you pull into the parking lot immediately on the right you will see a drop off sign on the sidewalk by a row of hollies. This is where you will drop off your plants, garden goods and boxes. Master Gardener volunteers will help you unload your donations and bring them into the building. Please record the number of plants you are donating. If you have handcrafted items you would like returned if not sold, please record your name, phone number and items to be returned on the Garden Goods list.
*We will NOT be going into the building through the main entrance because we want to be respectful of employees and others who work there.
*Please bring plants weed and pest free, well watered and correctly labeled. Pricing will be completed by the MG Pricing Team.
*Plants must be delivered during the posted drop off times to ensure that they are properly labeled and available for inspection by the TN Dept of Agriculture.
Research sites for Invasive Plants in Tennessee:
www.tnipc.org Regulated Plant Pests Identification www.tn.gov/protecttnforests/invasive-plants.html
© Copyright Madison County Master Gardeners